Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day 3

Another super busy day!
After school, we went by the Orange Street house to get Jacob's Tiger Cub book and some other necessities - like socks for Jacob that I kept forgetting, and some more clothes for me. When we got to Great Grandma's, Jonelle had brought over some pears. We tasted one, and I also experimented with boiling/simmering some in honey, sugar, ginger, butter, and water. Not horrible, but not the greatest thing in the world. After quite a long time of cooking, they still were pretty hard.
At 5ish, we left for Scouts. Jacob's den meeting was at the Scout Hut. It went alright, but Jacob was rather silly and kind of embarrassed me. After that, we went to the church for _that_ pack's blue and gold banquet. They did a really good job decorating and setting things up. I found my camera (in the clerk's office). Jacob was still rather difficult - I think he was just extremely tired. We ate spaghetti and such.
After dinner at church, we went to Harvey's to pick up a few things.
Once home, I got Jacob and myself ready for bed, chatted a little with Grandma, read some, then went to bed at 9pm. So Tired!!

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