Monday, September 22, 2008

Day 1

Jacob and I arrived at the house at approximately 3:40pm. We unloaded the stuff we brought, said "hello" and tried to be comfortable. I read for awhile, Tracy called, and I talked to her for awhile. Jacob played on the computer. At about 4:40pm, Jacob and I went by my house, got some more stuff - including hair cutting stuff, pillows, grits, cereal, milk, chocolate milk, yogurt, and applesauce. Then, we went by Walmart and got a few things - including cabbage that Grandma asked for. When we got home, Jacob continued to play on the computer, Grandma ate dinner, I cut her hair, swept up the hair, changed into pajamas, helped Jacob do homework, played with Jacob on the computer, read some more, and started this blog. :)

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