Rather productive day. . .
Got up, did laundry, fed Jacob and myself.
Went to Tracy's old house, vacuumed/cleaned Sam's room/the boys' room.
Came home, took a shower, got dressed, went to Walmart and purchased grocery list - successfully found everything on the list! yay! (and some of it was cheaper than usual!)
Put groceries away, played Go Dino with Jacob, chatted with Grandma, set up StumbleUpon Toolbar on Grandma's computer, then started working extensively on Jacob's room and my room. We would work for awhile, then play catch for a few minutes, then work, then play, etc for a couple hours, really. We got pretty much everything picked up, and vacuumed, and made beds, etc. Lots of progress!
This week's "events" that I know of so far:
*Jacob wants to keep riding the bus here*
Monday - -I should be tutoring the little boy as long as he's available. I might have a staff meeting though. Hmmm.
Tuesday - - I am going over to the bandroom to help flutes with all-state audition preparation. I have no idea how long I will be over there.
Wednesday -- Tutoring, then Jacob has Cub Scouts at 515, then the Ward Thanksgiving dinner
After this week, we have a week of vacation!! Yay!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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