CRAZY day -- but ended up great. Woke up, went and worked at the Orange Street house. Took a few things to Saundra's. Took a bunch of stuff to Goodwill. Went to Preach My Gospel. Found out the Elders couldn't help move stuff. Lined up Jordan and his friend. Took a gift by Max's birthday party at BK (Jacob was still at the Sterlings'). Went to Wendy's with Jordan and Teresa. Found out the bed STILL wasn't going to be figured out this afternoon!!! Went and had a mini breakdown at the Orange Street house. Teresa/Jordan/Jordan's friend showed up to start loading the trailor. Tracy, Zach, Caleb, Sam, and Jacob arrived. Dan walked by and was summoned by Jordan. He helped a lot. Called Dad - had him come over. LOL. Ok - so they finished loading as much as they could and took it to the Placid Acres house. Unloaded. I had another mini breakdown. I started the shower, and realized that Teresa and Jordan were still on the way! They got there, left, I took a shower, dressed, and Jacob and I went to the Mallard's house for that party. Afterwards, we went to Walmart. Then, Teresa texted, Jordan was still wanting Dairy Queen. Sooooo, we went. Jordan called and invited the Elders, also. So - we all ate some snacks at Dairy Queen, and as luck would have it - Sam and her friends were there too!! It was lots of fun!
Came home, cleared a path through the living room, introduced Grandma to the new couch and recliner, and began to copy CDs for the Elders that they asked for.
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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